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EventsHealth Effects of fracking: what do we know from the literature and from research in Northeastern BC?
During this presentation, Margaret McGregor will describe the current state of the epidemiological evidence on the health effects of fracking and some of the challenges to researching this question. Secondly, Elyse Caron-Beaudoin will describe the findings from an ongoing biomonitoring study in Northeastern BC. This study, entitled EXPERIVA (Exposures In The Peace River Valley) is a transdisciplinary project combining exposure assessment, toxicological and sociological approaches. As part of the study, 85 pregnant women living in Northeastern British Columbia were recruited in 2019. The EXPERIVA study aims to:
- Assess exposure to volatile organic compounds and trace elements in these 85 pregnant women
- Assess the endocrine disruption of environmentally-relevant concentrations of volatile organic compounds and trace elements using cellular models of fetal development
- Explore the associations between the density and proximity of hydraulic fracturing wells and exposure levels, and between exposure levels and birth outcomes
- Explore the social inequities related to exposure to contaminants associated with hydraulic fracturing
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to 1) be familiar with the state of the epidemiological literature regarding associations between fracking and health impacts; 2) understand the potential pathways of exposure to contaminants associated with fracking, and potential mechanisms of toxicity associated with the exposure to these contaminants.
Upcoming Rounds
C2E2 Rounds are presented Mondays from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in room 700 of the VGH Research Pavilion, 828 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.