
Linking hospitals to province-wide pharmacies to prevent medication harm

Software that shares patient information between hospital and community care providers has the ability to protect patients from adverse drug reactions.

Harm caused by the use or misuse of prescription medications leads to around two million visits to emergency departments, 700,000 hospital admissions and $1 billion in health care expenditures in Canada each year. Known as adverse drug events (ADEs), they rank between the fourth and sixth leading causes of death in Canada. 

The Centre has lost a good friend with the death of J. Mark FitzGerald

Dr. J. Mark FitzGerald was the Director of the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Evaluation (C2E2) from 2001 to 2010.  He was instrumental in the early development of the Centre and the research careers of its members.

"As a youngish and under-confident clinician researcher who suffered from 'imposter syndrome', Mark was consistently supportive, friendly, and inclusive.  He grew C2E2 into a place where everyone felt welcome", recalls Dr. Margaret McGregor (Clinical Associate Professor, UBC Department of Family Practice).

Diagnostic Yield of Screening for SARS-CoV-2 among Patients Admitted for Alternate Diagnoses

Phil Davis, Rhonda J. Rosychuk, Jeffrey P Hau, Ivy Cheng, Andrew D. McRae, Raoul Daoust, Eddy Lang, Joel Turner, Jaspreet Khangura, Patrick T. Fok, Maja Stachura, Baljeet Brar, Corinne Hohl


Objectives To determine the diagnostic yield of screening patients for SARS-CoV-2 who were admitted with a diagnosis unrelated to COVID-19, and identify risk factors for positive tests.

Design Cohort from the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CCEDRRN) registry

An Integrated Framework to Conceptualize and Develop the Vancouver Airways Health Literacy Tool (VAHLT)

Iraj Poureslami, Jacek Kopec, Noah Tregobov, Jessica Shum, Rick Sawatzky, Richard Hohn, and J. Mark FitzGerald


Partnering on research for better COPD care

Before his diagnosis, Dan Smith was an active walker and snowbird, often traveling with his wife overseas. Then, 10 years ago, he started having trouble breathing. “I ended up in the hospital, which is when I was told that I have severe COPD,” recalls the 77-year-old.

Meet the New Regional Medical Director of Planetary Health

Congratulations to Andrea MacNeill as she steps into her new role as Regional Medical Directory of Planetary Health for VCH. Planetary Health acknowledges that human health and ecosystem health are inextricably linked, and that our civilization depends on human health, flourishing natural systems, and preservation of natural resources.

Ask an expert: How can health literacy support my ability to access care and self-manage health conditions?

British Columbia’s changing demographics and increasingly multicultural communities are ushering in a new era of informed patient care.

Timely access to the best possible care may seem out of reach for individuals who face such things as language, cultural and mobility barriers. Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute expert, Dr. Iraj Poureslami, unpacks the essential role health literacy can play in providing care that meets the needs of all Canadians. 

Research finds encouraging trends in B.C.’s approach to severe asthma

Fewer patients were prescribed maintenance oral corticosteroids over time, and slightly more used them periodically.

Changes in treatment approaches for people with severe asthma have ushered in a new era for this patient population, and one that could see decreased negative side effects from long-term oral corticosteroid (OCS) use, according to research led by Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute investigator Dr. Mohsen Sadatsafavi.

SPPH Course: Causal Inference in Public Health Sciences

This fall, SPPH will offer Causal Inference in Public Health Sciences, an advanced course in the School's curriculum. Its goal is to develop competency in the methodology of causal inferences from observational data.

Here, Professor Sobolev talks about the course on YouTube.

Whether you are studying epidemiology, public health, clinical research, occupational or environmental health, you will all benefit from its lectures, videos, tutorials and readings!

