Katie Jane Sheehan, PhD, Boris Sobolev, PhD, and Pierre Guy, MD
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017;99:e106(1-9). DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.17.00069
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A health authority board of directors helps ensure that British Columbians receive the best possible care in an efficient, well-managed public health-care system. Boards are responsible for the governance and management of health services in the province. They work with health authority leadership to establish the organization’s overall vision and ensure there is appropriate community consultation. Boards also regularly review the organization's long-term plans, look at significant issues affecting the organization and evaluate results.
Dr. Noseworthy’s lecture will address learning healthcare systems seeking to achieve elevated levels of performance. Key characteristics of high performance will be posed, and their line of sight discussed from innovation, research evidence and measurement to effective actions in clinical policy and practice. Strategic Clinical Networks (SCNs) in Alberta will be used as exemplars. Current day observations and suggestions will be offered for three policy issues needing attention in the Canadian healthcare system: primary health care, waste and affordability.
A stunning per cent of health care spending in Canada may be wasted on services that are either ineffective or harmful. That’s the conclusion of many health care analysts. The solution? A better understanding of human psychology. This unique approach is at the core of the upcoming annual public lecture at the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Evaluation (C2E2). The feature speaker is Steven Lewis, a health policy analyst and consultant.
Studentships available for PhD studies at UBC! The studentships will support health services research in hip fracture care. More info: https://medicine.academickeys.com/job/b7v5wuxp
Katie J Sheehan, Boris Sobolev, Yuri F Villán Villán, Pierre Guy
BMJ Open 2017;7:e016939. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016939
Abandoning Illusions, Confronting Biases: What Behavioural Economics Tells Us About Strategies to Improve Health Care
Upcoming Rounds
C2E2 Rounds are presented Mondays from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in room 700 of the VGH Research Pavilion, 828 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.