Professor Boris Sobolev

A health services researcher and Professor at the School of Population and Public Health, the University of British Columbia focuses on access, delivery and outcomes of care delivery.

Research interest 1: Hip Fracture

The pan-Canadian Collaborative Study of Hip Fractures led by Prof. Boris Sobolev and Dr. Pierre Guy is conducting a population-based study of hip fracture surgery wait times and associated outcomes. We use the Canadian Institute for Health Information Discharge Abstract Database to identify patients admitted for hip fracture surgery to any acute care hospital in Canada between 2003 and 2012. Comparisons will be made in health outcomes among patients exposed to various wait times before surgery and across subgroups of patients stratified by various patient and system related reasons for delay. We will test whether preoperative deaths were more frequent among Canadian hip fracture patients 65 years of age or older who remained untreated at 48 hours after admission. We will also determine whether postoperative complications and ensuing in-hospital deaths were more frequent when surgery was performed beyond 48 hours after admission.

Hip Fracture Publications:

Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy P, Kuramoto L, Morin SN, Sutherland JM, Bohm E, Beaupre L, Griesdale D, Dunbar M, Bohm E, Harvey E for the Canadian Collaborative on Hip Fractures. In-hospital mortality after hip fracture by treatment setting. CMAJ 2016; 188: 1-7. Link

Sobolev B, Guy P, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Bohm E, Beaupre L, Sutherland JM, Dunbar M, Griesdale D, Morin SN, Harvey E for the Canadian Collaborative on Hip Fractures. Time trends in hospital stay after hip fracture in Canada, 2004-2012: Database study. Archives of Osteoporosis 2016; 11: 13; DOI: 10.1007/s11657-016-0264-5. Link

Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Chudyk A, Stephens T, Guy P. Patient and system factors associated with mortality after hip fracture: a scoping review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2016; 17:166: 1-13. Link

Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Bohm E, Sutherland J, Kuramoto L, Guy P, Hellsten E, Jaglal S for the Canadian Collaborative on Hip Fractures. Constructing episode of care from acute hospital records for studying effects of timing of hip fracture surgery. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2016; 34(2): 197-204.

Sobolev B, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Guy P. Risk of second hip fracture persists for years after initial trauma. Bone 2015; (75): 72-76.

Sobolev B, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Guy P. Excess mortality associated with second hip fracture. Osteoporosis International 2015; 26(7): 1903-1910.

Guy P, Sobolev B, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Lefaivre K. The burden of second hip fractures: provincial surgical hospitalizations over 15 years. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 2017; 60(2): 8616

Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy P; Canadian Collaborative Study of Hip Fractures. Response to "After hours surgery and mortality: the potential role of acute care surgery models as a factor accounting for results". CMAJ. 2017 Feb 6;189(5):E220. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.732865.