C2E2 Annual Lecture 2017 Guest Speaker: Steven Lewis
Abandoning Illusions, Confronting Biases: What Behavioural Economics Tells Us About Strategies to Improve Health Care
After a century or so of social science dominance, neoclassical economists' claims about what motivates people and what makes systems work have been knocked off their pedestal. In the past 30 years, behavioural economics has challenged the rationalist, income maximizing assumptions of standard economic theory. It turns out we are a species with hard-wired cognitive biases, multiple reasoning
strategies and inconsistent preferences. Our decisions can be nudged by how choices are framed. We are part Mr. Spock and part Homer Simpson.
Join us for the 2017 C2E2 Annual Lecture - The insights of behavioural economics show us that the mystery of why so much good evidence and so many incentives have failed to improve safety, quality, and efficiency is no mystery at all. This presentation will explore policies doomed to failure and suggest potentially more successful options based on an expanded view of rationality and a more nuanced understanding of what makes people tick.