David Whitehurst

My research career began in 2004, working as a Research Assistant in health economics at Keele University (UK). I developed an early interest in how subjective, person-centred outcomes (for example, quality of life) are measured and incorporated into analyses to support decision making in health care. I am particularly interested in generic outcome measurement, and exploring the challenges associated with a one-size-fits-all approach to economic evaluation. Since moving to Canada in 2011, I have built a methodological research program that examines whether current outcome measures are fit-for-purpose, or ‘good enough’, within specific clinical contexts (including care for older adults, spinal cord injury and aphasia). The use of generic outcome measures in the economic evaluation of health and community care interventions brings together my methodological and applied research interests.

Current projects include:

  • Research program for the evaluation of Better at Home – using a mixed-methods design, this research program examines the impact of home support services and delivery on health system costs, and explores quality of life impacts for the recipients of Better at Home services and their informal caregivers (PI: Dr David Whitehurst)
  • Two CIHR-funded projects through the eHealth Innovation Partnership Program (eHIPP)
    • Delivery of self-management through a peer-support telehealth intervention in patients with cardiovascular disease: The Healing Circles Project (PI: Professor Scott Lear)
    • Integrating a quality of life assessment and practice support system in homecare services for older adults with life-limiting illness and their families (PI: Professor Rick Sawatzky)

Sample publications include:

Engel L, Mortimer D, Bryan S, Lear SA, Whitehurst DGT. An investigation of the overlap between the ICECAP-A and five preference-based health-related quality of life instruments. PharmacoEconomics 2017; 35(7): 741-753

Hannan LM, Whitehurst DGT, Bryan S, Road JD, McDonald CF, Berlowitz DJ, Howard ME. Framing of mobility items – a source of poor agreement between preference-based health-related quality of life instruments in a population of individuals receiving assisted ventilation. Quality of Life Research 2017; 26(6): 1493-1505

Engel L, Bansback NJ, Bryan S, Doyle-Walters MM, Whitehurst DGT. Exclusion criteria in national health state valuation studies: a systematic review. Medical Decision Making 2016; 36(7): 798-810

Michel YA, Engel L, Augestad LA, Rand-Hendriksen K, Whitehurst DGT. “When I saw walking, I just took it as wheeling”: Interpretations of mobility-related items in generic, preference-based health state instruments. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2016; 14; 164

Whitehurst DGT, Mittmann N, Noonan VK, Dvorak MF, Bryan S. Health state descriptions, valuations and individuals' capacity to walk: a comparative evaluation of preference-based instruments in the context of spinal cord injury. Quality of Life Research 2016; 25(10): 2481-96