Congratulations to C2E2's Corrine Hohl on receiving the Killam Research Fellowship Award!

C2E2 Scientist Corinne Hohl was awarded a UBC Killam Research Fellowship to study medication safety in Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world where the healthcare available to most is inadequate.

Despite younger population demographics and poorer access to medicines overall, developing nations account for one third of global medication expenditures, indicating substantial medication utilization, and with this, the potential for medication-related harm. Yet, most research in medication safety is conducted in developed countries. As a result, medication safety gaps are poorly understood in resource-poor contexts, and “made in the West” solutions may be inappropriate or ineffective.  Corinne will be spending one year at the Patan Academy of Health Sciences where she will focus on developing research capacity by building collaborations with PAHS Faculty to study medication safety in this unique context.